Sunday, December 18, 2011

What does it mean to be Irish-American?

I'm wanting to write a story on what it means to be Irish-American. Such as stereotypes and generalizations. What Irish-American families are like. I am of Irish-American background and I can say that all Irish-Americans are smartes. It isn't necessarily a bad thing it's just our type of humor. We like to drink a lot and we smoke like chimneys. There are two types of Catholics: Catholics and Irish Catholics. An Irish Catholic is An Irish person who preaches Catholicism but rarely goes to church. If there are 2 things the Irish are good at it's: Irish-American parents aren't afraid to smack the s*** out of their children if they misbehave. They are also extremely hard workers. Irish people have incredibly short tempers and like to fight a lot. Those were a lot of stereotypes, but give me others or critique mine if you can. Also tell what it's like to be Irish-American.


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